Posted in 2020, challenges, Chickens, Food, gardening, Greenhouse, In the garden, January

Broad Beans

My little Almanac also tells me I can sow broad beans under glass so I’ve now done that.

I love broad beans so I was eager to start them early to lengthen the growing season. I know a lot of people don’t like then but grown yourself and picked young, they’re delicious.

I’ve sown two types, one I got from the market sold to me by the 1/2 pint and a dwarf variety I got on Line. I’ve never sown them this early before so we shall see what happens.

I did have company while I was doing it 🙂

A small issue that happened yesterday because of all the rain we’ve had. Fortunately this doesn’t happen often!


slow living, laughing, gardening, cooking, homemaking, slow food, making things, purple, eating with friends, chickens, faith in God, clothes, singing, red, my studio.........

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